AvMed Nurse Competency Assessment Course
For nurses involved in regulatory medicals
Custom-designed to fulfil the requirements for GCAA AvMed nurse certification
Intensive online programme including discussion of relevant examination techniques overseen by a certified GCAA trainer
Suitable preparation to undertake the examination as a competent aeromedical nurse
MCQ based examination on the final day compliant with GCAA requirements
About the Course
The principal trainer on the course is Dr Nomy Ahmed, Senior Aeromedical examiner and designated trainer with the GCAA. Previously Nomy worked as a Specialist in Aviation Medicine for Emirates Airline and helped to review standards for the new GCAA CAR-MED legislation for which he received an award.
Assessment examination is by written and oral examination at the end of the two days, and in order to satisfy the prerequisites for aviation medical nurse certification, candidates must pass both assessments to the GCAA standard of 75%. Our approach is interactive adult learning with a great deal of discussion. We have found that to do well on the course requires A GOOD LEVEL OF WRITTEN AND SPOKEN ENGLISH. The course programme is intensive, requiring full attention, and candidates are strongly advised not to continue their normal work commitments during the programme.
The course content includes: Ethics, Duty of Care, Roles and Responsibilities, Aviation physiology and Aviation environments, Anthropometric assessments, ECG, Spirometry, Visual checks, CAD testing, Audiometry, Urine checks including drug testing,
Other Details
The programme will run for one day and then an examination.The course fee is for both the review day and the examination day and the final course certification if successful.
The examination involves an MCQ paper of 20 questions undertaken over 30 minutes. Successfully reaching the 75% target will attain a certificate of competancy valid for two years.
Please note that the examination/ oral assessment will not be easy to pass. Candidates are strongly advised to be very familiar with the legislation and competencies set out in CAR-MED before they attend the course/ or sit the examination. The course is NOT designed to teach competencies but there to review and test the essentials of GCAA assessments and help give direction regarding ‘non-normal’ assessments related to GCAA licensing.
This course and examination has been accepted by the GCAA (General Civil Aviation Authority) in UAE as qualifying for aviation medical nurse competency status, but final determination is at the discretion of the GCAA according to their requirements and needs.
No prior experience is required. However places are limited, and therefore we may necessarily have to make a selection.