Consultant Aeromedical Course
For Specialist Aviation Medical Examiners
Course scheduled for 17th, 18th, 19th June 2022,
Exam on 19th June 2022
Custom-designed as a foundation for providing specialist medical advice to civil aviation authorities
Intensive teaching programme including relevant practical sessions
Suitable preparation for working as specialist aeromedical examiner
Accepted by the GCAA (UAE) as a suitable training course for specialist aeromedical designation
About the Course
The leading course in world for Specialist/ Consultant AvMed training
It has trained well over 130 specialists world wide
Consistently attains over 95% satisfaction ratings
Open to all specialists including Psychologists
Whilst based in Dubai, the knowledge gained would help anyone wishing to become involved in AvMed assessment and report writing.
The principal trainer on the course is Dr Nomy Ahmed who is an experienced Senior Aviation Medical Examiner and designated trainer with the GCAA (General Civil Aviation Authority) in UAE and DAME in UK
Assessment is by written examination at the end of the sessions, and in order to satisfy the prerequisites for appointment by GCAA, candidates must pass the assessment and attend all sessions.
Our approach is interactive adult learning with a great deal of discussion.
This years online course content includes: Aviation Physiology, Principles of Flight, Clinical Aviation Medicine, Air Traffic services, report writing, ICAO and GCAA legislation and practical sessions. There will also be relevant workplace visits including flight simulator experience and aircraft emergency training facilities.
The course fee includes the Simulator visits to both aircraft and cabin simulators in Dubai.
Once successfully completed the candidate is given a certificate.
This certificate is a requirement to apply to the GCAA before being licensed to undertake Specialist Aeromedical Examinations. We cannot guarantee the GCAA will subsequently appoint successful course candidates as specialists.
Further information about being licensed as a GCAA Examiner can be found on
**Entry to the Simulator is dependent on SIM Security Clearance and is done at risk of the individual.
We are unable to take any responsibility for health consequences of attending the simulators.
We regret that NO refunds can be given should entry of candidate be prohibited by Simulator Security as this is independent to FlyingMedicine. **
No prior experience is required. However places are limited, and therefore we may have to make a selection.